If you possess any of the skills described below please specify on application to be contacted directly by a member of our administrative team.

Grant Writers

Responsibilities include researching, identifying, developing and responding to public and private grant opportunities as well as preparing of proposals and grant applications

Fundraising Specialists

Responsibilities include establishing and maintaining relationships with corporate and individual donors. Volunteer will identify and develop new sources of financial support to meet fundraising goals, primarily through execution of special event fundraisers.

Responsibilities include providing input to guide the organization towards a sustainable future by adopting sound, ethical, and legal governance. Volunteer with participate in financial decisions and making sure the nonprofit has adequate resources to advance its mission.

Board Members

We are always eager to partner with local businesses and organization who help advance our mission of helping our refugee families become self sufficiency. Current wishes include: job opportunities, driver’s education/car donations, office space for english classes.

Community Partners